Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Alligator Road

Hey Everyone!  I hope your week was great!  This week was a super busy one for us!!.. Most of it was actually spent in the car though. On Tuesday there were transfers, so nothing really exciting happened because Elder Davis and I both stayed. We did have Elder Amos spend the day with us while his new companion came down to their area on Wednesday and it was more or less just a typical day of missionary work!! Nothing too exciting happened then, but Thursday we had a pretty solid day!!

Thursday we had our monthly Zone Training Meeting. It was held at Vero Beach, which is a two and a half hour drive from Sebring, so like I said... We spent what seems like most of the day in the car, and at a meeting! On the way back, while driving, we saw lots and lots of Alligators!  They were seriously just lined along the sides of the road. You'd see one like every half mile or so. We took a picture of a few of them, but sadly they weren't close enough for us to get a close picture. lol. But we did see a big ol' one. It was probably a good 8-10 foot or so....decent size!

Friday was well...another day in the car!!! We actually had to drive all the way BACK to Vero Beach again for a specialty meeting meant for DL's.. So another like 5 hour trip there and back. There were less Alligators this time though.. It was too cold that morning for them! But we also had a miracle happen Friday as well. We received a Media Referral from a lady ordering a free bible from us. we'll...we ran out of those. So we basically decided to stop by and introduce ourselves anyway, and let her know it is on its way! She ended up being super solid!! Her name is Debbie and she's a really nice lady looking for a new church in the area. We had a good discussion and set a return appointment. She seemed excited to hear about how the Gospel has been restored back to Earth in the proper form Christ had established! So that was a blessing we witnessed for sure!

Saturday was a pretty special day. The Ward had a Youth Temple Trip and so we decided to take that opportunity and take our investigator Dave to the temple and do a tour, being that he is our closest to baptism!! The temple was AMAZING of course, and it was awesome to see his excitement as we talked and had a discussion about the temple. In his own words he said, "Since the moment I started investigating, I've known this is right and this is true. It's never hit me until today how huge, how important, or how life changing this all is. I cannot wait!!" He is such a solid guy. He then had a interview with our Mission President. Overall, it went super well and we will see what happens!

Other than that, nothing too crazy is going on. We have an exchange tonight with the Zone Leaders.. All I know is I'm staying here with one of them. lol! I've seen a lot of blessings this week as I've received many answers to prayers, and witnessed how spiritual promptings have guided me in what I should do and say. It's been awesome!

Because of His Atoning experience in mortality, our Savior is able to comfort, heal, and strengthen all men and women everywhere. But I believe He does so only for those who seek Him and ask for His help. The Apostle James taught, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up”  (James 4:10). We qualify for that blessing when we believe in Him and pray for His help. Having ‘descended below all things,’ He comprehends, perfectly and personally, the full range of human suffering. We might even say that having descended beneath it all, He is perfectly positioned to lift us and give us the strength we need to endure our afflictions. We have only to ask.

I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day and also have a good week ahead of you! Love and miss you all!

-Elder A. Olson

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