Monday, October 6, 2014

General Conference, Orlando Temple and Outsmarting my Companion.

So much happened this week it was quite overwhelming!! Guess that's a good thing right?  First off I sincerely hope EVERYONE got the opportunity to watch General Conference this past weekend…ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! On your mission, general conference is like another Christmas!  It was so great to sit down and listen to the messages of the leaders of this wonderful church!! (Not to mention a powerful way to show others this gospel).  We had a few investigators that came with us to the church to watch it and they loved it! What a blessing it is for us to be able to watch only if it was like every 4 months!

Wasn't it SOOO cool that they could do it in their native tongue now? I thought that was SWEET!! I liked Chi Hong Wong’s talked about being "spiritually paralyzed" unable to come back or restart by their efforts. That's a lot of pressure for us missionaries, but also brings miracles! And yes Bednar’s talk about missionary work was AMAZING!

Also this week I had the privilege of going and walking around the grounds of the Orlando, Florida Temple. I have to say that Temple size doesn't matter and it's only about half the size of Provo, but the spirit is still the same!! We went with Jim, who we baptized a little over a month ago.  He's so excited to go do baptisms for the dead!! It's weird that we have to drive like an hour and a half to get to it, but being near a temple is a blessing of its own and definitely worth it.!  Miracles happen when you  just go!  I had the opportunity to give a blessing to a random lady while waiting for the temple tour. Please attend regularly!!  Even on the outside the feeling is so rich. 

Priya is still set for her baptism This Saturday and I'm very excited! I will be confirming her as a member on Sunday! Nervous but ready!! 

The temperatures have been getting into the low 60's at nights and feels like home!!  Although during the day it goes back to like 85...hurry up Florida winter!  I'm so excited for the work here. I'm thankful for this opportunity!  

Here is a funny story about this week. My companion and I had like a half argument. It was hilarious!  Here's the story behind it all.. We have a new less active member in our ward and her name is Satchiko.  We are meeting to teach her 9 year old so he can be baptized. They're from Micronesia. Elder Cooper wanted to refer them to the Spanish Elders because they were speaking "Spanish" when we first met them...I don't know how I knew, but I just had the feeling Micronesia was over by Samoa. And I KNEW it wasn't Spanish!  So we butted heads about where it was located and the language. Well...we visited them last night, and without even asking, and by coincidence, someone rode by and said "Hola"!  She immediately turned to me and Elder Cooper and said "I don't know Spanish! It annoys me when I'm mistaken for a Mexican. I only know English and Samoan!” Needless to say, I just turned and gave my companion the BIGGEST "there ya go" smile!! J

Anyway, this week was LONG but SOOO good. I love the opportunity I get to help people out and bring them to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. To show them the power of the Atonement and the pure love Christ has shown for us, through his great sacrifice for you and me- each one of us individually. 

Here’s a short story.  We had a closing prayer with a non member family and asked them to kneel during the prayer. The power in the prayer that was offered brought tears to the eyes of that family. They honestly said they would strive to do the best they can. The power in a kneeling family prayer is bringing a once uninterested family back to the church. Imagine what it can do in your life, and with your families?  I invite you all to strive to say family kneeling prayers. It really brings the spirit and is such a blessing to see the powers it contains! 

I’m running out of time, but I will continue sharing parts from conference and what I'm reading/learning throughout my other emails. I’m so very thankful for this gospel and what it has done for my life. I'm also thankful for my family and the influence they have on me. I'm thankful for the support everyone is giving me! I love and appreciate you all!

Miss and love you!

-Elder Olson

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