Monday, March 14, 2016

More Exciting Times in Florida and Hallelujah Easter Initiative.

Me and Elder Davis at Androcles and the Lion 

Happy Monday everyone! Hope y'all had a great week!! We had a pretty good week again and we started out our week on exchanges!! So I went with Elder Rowley to Lake Placid. We had a heck of a good time. He's just a cool kid and a good overall missionary! We had some solid lessons and also went and contacted a potential investigator. We initially went for their father (who was now not living there due to his situation) but were able to talk to and teach his son and daughter. They are both in their 30's (Teila and CJ). They have had a lot of burdens placed upon them in that home because they were being foreclosed on. Their father wasn't there and his overall mental health was not stable. So it was super interesting to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ take effect in their lives! And to see how their feelings went from "life sucks" (basically) to knowing they are not alone and as they rely on their Savior he will bring the peace and comfort they are desperately searching for! So that was nice to be able to help bring that as we taught them!

Me and Elder Rowley!!
Thursday we literally spent ALL day in Vero Beach for Zone Conference. Seriously.. It was a meeting that went from 6:30 a.m. to about 5:00 p.m. Plus, not to mention, that's a little over a two hour drive from Sebring. So we had to get up at 3:30 a.m.!! It was a long, rather tiring day haha!   

We also have given a lot more blessings to people this week. Seriously..
Everyone is getting sick! One of which was a lady we call Nana, because she is Amy's mother! Amy was baptized in December and her mom isn't a member but she absolutely loves us! She ended up going to the hospital for respiratory problems, so we decided to just pay her a visit! She asked for a blessing, which was awesome and that really helped her like the church more. We had a fun time there and Amy came to the hospital to hang out too and deliver some things! The scriptures say multiple times to "Become as Children" and Elder Davis and I succeeded in that one! We were just goofing off and put the rubber
gloves over our heads and we're just messing around! Good times! 

Hospital visits with the Elders
Also, Friday night we went to a play for a member in our ward who is actually coming out to Provo for BYU in August. So we are super excited that she gets to come live in Utah! So yeah, we went with her awesome family to support her and see her in Androcles and the Lion, Which was stinkin' HILARIOUS!! The character who played the lion at one point came into the audience and was running up and down the rows. Well...when she got to Elder Davis and I she stopped, make a sniffing motion and said out loud, "I smell missionaries!" HAHAHA! That was a pretty fun night too!

Other than that, nothing new! We had a hog roast, since some members slaughtered a hog they trapped and raised. We had a big Ward roast and so that was pretty fun! Nothing else really though.. I'll just leave you all with a quote. "There is no choice, sin, or mistake that you or anyone else can make that will change His love for you or for them" -Ronald A. RasbandALSO, starting yesterday, the church released a new Easter Initiative. It has an awesome new video about Following Christ to Find New Life. It's called Hallelujah. So if you haven't seen it you should definitely go watch it at I recommend it!! It's a sweet new video!!  I Love and miss you all!!

-Elder A. Olson 

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